A 2024 Community Energy Congress is happening in Sydney on the 6th and 7th March 2024. To provide access to anyone unable to attend in person there are now other options available – to join via a hybrid option online OR potentially to attend a regional ‘hub’ event.
The Sustainability Network Loddon Mallee is working towards setting up a regional hub in Bendigo.
Each of the sessions will have plenty of opportunities for questions (with a Q&A app) and so we encourage you to consider this option if you are interested in the event but cannot make it to Sydney.
Regional hubs will have the opportunity to partake in a facilitated session re: creating a community renewable vision whereby we will collect and share knowledge about driving change in our own communities.
Please save the date (6th March 2024) in your calendar until final details are provided in the coming weeks. Also, please spread the word to our community energy networks.